Sunday, May 16, 2010

Four months later...

I told you, webverse! I told you I was horrible at keeping blogs! But I want to keep a blog, so here I am, four months later, after messing around with my layout several times (I like this one, but that's because I adore all things cute and purple! If a grape had a little face, I would cry over eating it).

What sort of things would a blogger post about? Ideally, I'd like this blog, or any blog that I write, to be a lovely little stew. And its ingredients would be all of my interests. Narcissist stew, maybe. I almost called it 'Holly Stew,' but I'm afraid that makes me think of several things: Stu Pickles from the Rugrats, a wreath of holly, and a person-stew (I didn't want to find an image for this one, unsurprisingly enough. Google images has it, I'm sure, but I have no desire to see it)!

Narcissist stew it is, then. I don't think of bloggers as narcissists, though, which is why this is (SAT word time, forgive me) an inherently paradoxical exercise. But it's fun, and I'll hopefully not have to whip out those SAT words too much. I can hear my English professors saying them in my head now. "But John Donne/John Steinbeck/other writers named John focus on themes that are inherently paradoxical! Why would that happen to Lenny, John Steinbeck? Why would John Donne write both creepy love poetry and religious poetry?!"

I really got off topic. Anyway, here are my bloggish interests, in a straightforward (though not in any particular order) fashion.

1) Style Blogging. I love style blogs like Already Pretty and because they make style so wonderfully accessible, both financially (no Gucci lovin' on these blogs) and emotionally. Style bloggers remix their wardrobes, reflect on their lives through their wardrobes, and show readers like me ways to break the rules. Would I have considered wearing a dress above my knees before I started reading style blogs? Probably not, because boy am I weird about my knees sometimes. Since reading, though, I've felt so empowered to use my own wardrobe as a tool for self-expression-- and that's styling, man!
2) Gaming. I looove reading about video games and how they work. I am, as you might've guessed, a WoW player, so reading about updates and how WoW resonates outside its own severs continually fascinates me. I guess a part of that stems from the fact that I'm (partly) a Media Studies major, so I pay the big bucks to analyze stuff like this! Also, it's fun!
3) Organic products, particuarly on the cosmetics front. How hypocritical is it for an industry to peddle products that can hurt consumers with advertisements that aren't real (because they're airbrushed)? I may or may not lecture people on their shampoo choices sometimes. :)
4) Academia in general. Mostly because I want to (maybe) be a professor when I Grow Up. Aaaaack! I also work for admissions for my college, so I'm surrounded by questions about academics all the time. And I love it! (My only problem with admissions is that I want to accept EVERY prospective that I meet... this is why the staff is probably glad to have me as a tour guide and not actually as a dean.)

There are probably more, but this post is really so long already, and if I'm keeping this blog, that means I can write about the 'more' bits later! Yippee.

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